Thank you so much for all your welcome comments ladies!!!
The National Gallery in London is holding the Australian Impressionists exhibition and its on till 26th of March. I was very lucky to see this on the 12th this month with a dear friend. It's not a huge exhibition, but the quality is amazing. I particularly fell in love with this painting by Tom Roberts called Trafalgar Square. I have copied it today as a learning exercise as I have already bought a print to drool over!! After the exhibition I tried to find this viewpoint with my camera, it was quite difficult, because its been over a hundred years since this was painted, so much of the skyline has changed. My next painting, all being well is going to be my version of Trafalgar Square from one of my photos.
I've spent my spare time this last week setting up this corner of our living room, it's more organised and there is more light next to the window. I really enjoyed painting in my corner today and feel refreshed and ready to carry on with my painting journey, to learn and grow my skills.
After Tom Roberts Trafalgar Square
oil on oil paper