Saturday, 14 March 2015

Light III

Still exploring the joys of abstract art. :  )

Light III
Oil on oil paper


  1. Explore away, Azra! This is yet another accomplished painting. I'm fascinated by the ochres on the left fading away to the right and the energy that is swirling through this piece. Yet it has an amazing lightness to it, just as in the title. Genius!! xx

  2. Wow! Such beautyful movement and color!

  3. Oh, how I love this! I can breathe better, just by looking at it.

  4. These paintings have such a spiritual quality to them.

  5. I have no messages left on your last paintings, but I have seen them! I was totally blown away by "Spirit nr. 5". So beautiful, like a transformation.
    I still need to get used to the abstract paintings, but they are certainly beautiful. You have a lot of talent! Hugs:) xx

  6. I feel your abstract series is very spiritual, it is much more than what we are seeing here.

  7. It seems as if these are so complete and resolved. As though they were there already and waited until the right moment to come forth. Beautiful!

  8. So much depth and movement external and internal in your recent group of paintings, Azra. Fascinating to see your work evolving in new directions. Beautiful and evocative.

  9. I have so enjoyed these, Azra. Beautiful and spiritual. Well done, sweet friend.

  10. Another feeling of peace and movement.


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.