Saturday, 16 May 2015

Lazy Days

Maybe there is a little wishful thinking with this painting.
 I have been struggling with everything, it all seems a chore, physically I feel the most tired I have ever been. There is a but coming though, I can still paint, I can still feel the magic.  :  )

Lazy Days
Oil on oil paper
8"x 10"


  1. Gosh, I so know what you mean by this painting. Just the desire to have that quiet time

  2. Azra, there's more power in your art than ever! Often the energy that takes goes under-acknowledged. The colors in the palm tree leaves are sensational.

  3. Hi Azra, maybe you need some warmth; it's been pretty damp, grey and miserable here in the UK and it's draining. Yesterday's lovely sunshine was so welcome after all this time. Your beach hut is cute and, as Melle pointed out, the colours above are sensational. Look after yourself and keep painting; it'll energise you and congratulate yourself on putting so much excellent art out there. xx

  4. Sounds like you're almost running on empty, Azra. It can feel like wading through treacle some days, can't it. Glad your painting process is still sparkling away despite you feeling drained - that blue of your sea is lovely.

  5. Painting is such a great valve when you are burned out , I am feeling more or less like you , I think we need a vacation ! But dreaming away is good too, with these two last paintings I actually thought you were somewhere soaking up the sun :-)

  6. You started a lovely series! Look forward to more!
    You have a companion here, struggling and burnt out! But what is life without struggles, the challenge is to push through them and try to move move move....

  7. Azra you may have been tired but this scene is full of lovely colour and serenity !


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