Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the holidays and have seen the New Year in with health, good fortune and peace.

 My heart goes out to the flood victims here in the UK, they have suffered terribly over the last few months and in the last few days. I hope that with the help of the authorities and the kindness of strangers they get their homes and their lives back soon.

Its a steely grey day today and rain has just begun to fall at three in the afternoon. I've painted this landscape with colours that speak to me of a quiet new years day.

 I have set myself a challenge of posting a painting everyday for the rest of the year. A tough challenge indeed, but I have been finding excuses galore not to paint this past year and I feel I need to pull myself up.
Happy New Year!
oil on oil paper
8"x 10"


  1. Sounds amazing, I know you will stick to your resolution, look forward to enjoying your new paintings, this is beautiful Azra, wishing you the best times ahead!

  2. A lovely landscape to ring in the new year. Good luck with your resolution of a painting a day.

  3. Well done Azra, for your resolution and all that that takes. The quote "A goal without plans is just a wish" was in a recent posting in Robert and Sara Genn's Letter blog and made me think about the commitment it takes to do what you're doing. Happy New Year and wishing you good light on the horizon like in your painting!

  4. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year too dear Azra ! Posting everyday will be tough , but you started off very well with this lovely landscape ! xxx

  5. So pleased to hear of this resolution, Azra, especially as I know it'll produce amazing posts every day of the year! It's hard to envisage how you could improve but it's been proven that daily practice does that so I'm excited to see what you produce. Now there's a challenge but I know, my friend, that you are more than up to it!


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.