Showing posts with label cream jug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cream jug. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Flowers and Cream Jug

Yesterday I spent the better part of the day scraping the weeds from in between each brick in my front garden.I know I could use weed killer but I don't like to use chemicals so its the hard way.If anyone knows of an environmentally friendly way PLEASE tell me.
Anyway  my front garden is now spotless and ready for silver birch leaves to fall anytime from now!!
I struggled so much with this painting,I think because I hav'nt been painting for nearly a week and also its larger as well.I'm so used to painting small that its hard to adjust.My apologies for the photo,I'm so used to scanning the smaller paintings at anytime day or night that I forgot I need daylight.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Daffs in Cream Jug

I new these daffodils would'nt last another day so I thought I would do one more painting and this little jug has been calling to me for weeks .Ever heard of George Mc Crae?...."Rock your Baby"........The first time I heard this was in a school assembly,I can't remember why they played it but I thought I was in heaven.