Monday, 7 February 2011

Cherries x 8

This weeks challenge on is to take any object and paint it eight times,but not taking more than ten minutes each time. This was a fantastic challenge  especially for me because I could'nt go back and try to perfect each attempt.As you paint the brushstrokes have to be looser in order to finish quickly which allows for a fresher approach.


  1. Number 7 is my favourite. Excellent challenge to undertake. Well done you being so tenacious about it, when I know you are not feeling 100%. Dedication. A beautiful set of cherries, fab backgrounds as well lovely choice of colours!


  2. Thankyou so much Tracy,it realy means alot to me .Especially sitting there at four in the morning.We should start a blog for insomniacs . :)))

  3. Excellent execution Azra.You chose a wonderful subject to paint.I love the different shades in the background of each attempt.
    My work is keeping me too busy these days.I hope to return back to my painting sessions soon.I so want to try this challenge.Good thing about the challenge is there is no deadline for the submission.:)
    Happy painting.

  4. Thankyou ever so much Yasha.I had some fresh cherries at home and I'd painted them before so it was a familiar subject.I so admire that you do paint when you can despite having a full time job.I spent most of my life not painting and regret it.

  5. all of these cherries are very nice Azra. love your blog , so many beautiful paintings.

  6. Thankyou Sidmar for your lovely comment. : )


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