Friday, 27 June 2014

Summer Rain

Isn't rain beautiful!! Especially summer rain where everything cools down and washed clean.
I've not had time to paint, but I did take a few photos of puddles.  :  )  I think I must have been a tree in a past life. Lol
Photo of a puddle.


  1. That's pretty and I believe it makes me feel the same way you do. :)

  2. Azra I love rain too, I find it cosy and everything outside just smells better ....even in Milan :-)

  3. Beautiful patterns, what an attractive abstract painting it can lead to!

  4. What a great photo, Azra! I love those rings. I understand not having time to paint. Life just gets in the way sometimes.

  5. Nice photo, I love rain too.
    Happy Ramadan to you and your family.

  6. I love this pic - so inspiring! I think my area of the world and yours are similar in that way. Can I have permission to paint this sometime?

    1. Thanks Karen, you are more than welcome to paint this photo anytime. xxx


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