Thursday, 26 June 2014

Sunny June With a Cream Background

Thank you so much for all your comments, I love receiving them and I appreciate the time you all take to send me your encouragement.

The very nice buyer has asked me to change the background to a cream colour to tie in with her décor. Other than that she loves the roses as they are. In fact I think it looks better than before, what do you think?
Sunny June
Oil on canvas board 8"x8"


  1. Azra, this is perfect! A beautiful, joyful painting. I can smell these lovely, yellow roses. Many thanks!

  2. Very sophisticated, yet understated! Congratulations on the sale, Azra!

  3. It looks as beautiful as before, glad that your buyer was happy!

  4. Love these roses and as padmaja said "it looks as beautiful as before".


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.