Thursday, 12 February 2015

I Salute You

Thank you so much for all your comments my friends.
 I appreciate every word of comfort sent to me, and I salute all the brave people of this world who have loved and lost a dear one, be they a pet, friend or family.

I have vowed that every time I buy a bunch of flowers, one of the flowers will grace my Pisho's resting  place in our garden. I say my Pisho because I used to talk to her as I went about my work around the house and often I would ask her if she was my Pisho, I think she was because out of all the family members she was attached to me the most.

I painted these tulips about two weeks ago and forgot to post. Hopefully I will be able to pick up my brushes soon.

Red Tulips in Vase
Oil on oil paper


  1. Preciosos tulipanes. Siempre recordará con muchísimo cariño la compañía de su gatito.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Gorgeous! I just tried some tulips from the photo reference at DPW, but yours
    look practically edible!! I really appreciate the inspiration, Azra...

  3. I always look forward to your posts. Tres, tres belle!

  4. Your tulips are beautiful, Azra. And I love that you're going to share your flowers with Pisho. Just the thought of that, makes me smile. I hope the sun in shining in your heart again soon. Xoxo!

  5. These are gorgeous Azra, amazing how easy you make it look. I am working on a tulip painting right now , and I am STRUGGLING ! xx

  6. Take your time Azra. We'll wait for newer paintings. Your "old" paintings are beautiful too!! Hugs:)xxx

  7. Lovely thought of sharing a bloom with Pisho. I believe your action is appreciated with love as much as shown to you when she was with you.This is a cheerful painting, hope it does wonders to you to pick up your brushes again, because there are several of us like myself who look forward to your posts.

  8. Oh Azra, I just saw your post about your cat. I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose a loved pet. I can only let you know that I'm thinking of you and tell you that it does eventually get better. You'll eventually be able to concentrate on the good memories you have of your time together.

  9. Sorry about your cat Azra.

    Such a nice painting of very difficult flowers. Love the leafs too.


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.