Friday, 6 February 2015

Soft Like Snow

Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

Quote by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Soft Like Snow
oil on oil paper


  1. Oh, I needed to hear that! Lovely quote and another beautiful image. I especially like the sweep of the branches and the promise of the buildings, suggesting some coziness is not too far away.

  2. What a gorgeous snow scape Azra, could easily be from one of our old masters, really love the cool colors and the great depth you created ! Wish you a nice weekend.

  3. Another beautiful painting Azra! You have captured the mood of a snowy day perfectly. The best treat is to zoom in and see all of your lovely vrushwork.!!

  4. Love the feel of the painting, cold out doors and the warm cozy homes make a great combination!


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