Sunday, 5 July 2015


Without a doubt, its hope that keeps us going and keeps us moving.

oil on oil paper
10"x 8"


  1. Without a doubt, Azra! Sunflowers in bloom always look hopeful gazing at us with their big 'faces'. Once again, a fabulous interpretation of flowers and glass. x

  2. Very nice, Azra! Yes, it is "hope" that keeps us all going.

  3. Hi Azra, I just finished hosting TC here in SE Alaska and wanted to thank you, the originator, for starting her off on her journeys. Panda is continuing to do a great job as TC and crew travel agent! Hope all is well in the UK! btw, I think your painting at the top here of the rainy, foggy day on the highway is intriguing. How fast is that bus going anyway? I will post on TC blog soon.

  4. Incredibly cheerful Azra, yes hope.. That is the word to keep going.

  5. Lovely saying and beautiful work on these sunflowers ....always a great flower to paint.


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