Monday, 26 October 2015

Be Present

You might think that you need to be in the right frame of mind or have the space to be creative. You don’t, all you need is to be present.

Azra Iqbal

The Royal Academy of Arts asked me for my advice as an  exhibiting artist and the above was my contribution.

Be Present
oil on oil paper 10" x 8"
This is something that I need to remind myself from time to time. :  )


  1. I think we all have to remind us about being present, great quote Azra. And great landscape , beautiful color and depth .

  2. Wow, rightly said, the painting is perfect to be in a present moment !

  3. Hi Azra, It's so nice that they asked your opinion. I entirely agree with your statement. Isn't that what Leslie Saeta is always trying to tell us on her AHA show? The difference between a successful artist and one that is not is that the successful artist just keeps showing up at the easel.

    Your painting is magnificent. I looked at it for a long time and am struck y all the colours and mixes yet not a jot of mud anywhere. Fantastic!


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.