Sunday, 31 July 2011

Sunflower Trio

I painted these sunflowers to "There's nothing like this" by Omar which always relaxes me and I hope has had a positive effect on my painting as well. : )


  1. Beautiful painting! I love the composition. They seem to have personalities. Our sunflowers are just starting to bloom. Can't wait to give them a shot myself.

  2. I feel the rhythm of music in this piece, it is always a great way to paint this way:-)

  3. This is lovely, Az! Great composition, the colors are beautiful, and you have good use of negative space.

  4. Azra they are so pretty looking sunflowers.I am loving your loose brush strokes as it adds so much of movement and energy to your work.

  5. Made me smile! So bright and sunny!

  6. Thanks Karla,you're right about the personalities! It looks like twos company threes a crowd.Lol. How lovely to have sunflowers growing in your own garden.

    Thanks Padmaja,it is a great way to paint. : )

    Thanks Linda,well done for selling your sunflowers!

    Thanks Yasha,thats exactly what I'm trying to create,so your comment is much appreciated.

    Thanks karen,a smile is worth so much more.


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.