Friday, 9 September 2011

Fields under Lavender Sky

I make it a habit to keep my camera with me everywhere I go.Yesterday we were doing our weekly cash and carry shopping for our work and there's some lovely countryside on the opposite side.I started off this blog mainly painting still life ,but as time goes on I am finding myself drawn more and more towards landscapes.


  1. Azra, What a beautiful painting! I love the composition. Keep painting both still life AND landscapes!

  2. Beautiful. I love it. The colors, the composition, the brush work. Especially the sky and trees.

  3. I feel you do a fabulous job on all your landscapes Azra.I also loved your previous post.:)

  4. Thanks Karla,Jean and Yasha,I always look forward to recieving your comments.

  5. You do a great job on landsacpes and your eye for the compositions is amazing Azra, look forward tomore such pieces from you:-)


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.