Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Pink Rose in Jam Jar

This is one I painted a few months ago but completely forgot to post. It sold yesterday and is on its way to a buyer in Norfolk.
Pink Rose in Jam Jar
oil on canvas board 7"x5"
At the moment I am busy putting furniture back, which is so much easier with the extra space created but de-cluttering. With the different colours on the walls I can now do the fun part....accessorizing. :  )


  1. That does sound like the fun part! I think I'd be tempted to skip all the other parts and go right to the accessorizing! The painting is lovely. I hope your decorating will include some of your paintings proudly displayed on the walls! They are all so pleasing and mood lifting!

  2. Your pink roses are my favorite, Azra. So pretty!

  3. Another gorgeous rose composition, love how you did the vase with just a hint of rose colored touches . Accessorizing IS the fun part and what creates the mood, have fun !

  4. The simple jam jar looks so beautiful in your hands, the rose of course is complimenting!


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