Sunday 31 January 2016


Yeeay!!!! 31 paintings complete today!!

For next month, God willing, I have bought myself some mixed bouquets and will be working on larger and more stylised flower paintings and try to use different colour palettes. Its early days, but I am excited and looking forward to some more experimentation.

For todays painting I have dug out an old clip on lamp, at the brilliant reminder of a friend, and found that it is so much easier to work out the lights and darks. When I first started painting I did use a lamp regularly and looking back find some of those paintings much stronger. It just goes to show that we can lose our way sometimes and I am grateful to have people around me who help me find my way again.
Thank you so much for all your comments this past month, your encouragement makes all the difference. xxx


  1. Total respect to you!
    Somehow this one has an essence of the chrysanthemum about it. Can't work out quite what it is about it. Maybe the slight unruliness of it beneath a surface of neatness and order?! I like the leaves' ragged-iness, and the deep shadows make the whole thing 'pop'.


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.