Thursday 15 November 2012

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts
Oil on canvas board,5"x7"
Not everyone's favourite vegetable but sure was fun to paint.


  1. Always one of My favorites though annoying to clean, you painted them beautifully, good shapes !

  2. These are painted so well Azra and I love the colour combination!

  3. Lovely color combination and a great job on all those challenging little leaves! Just yesterday I was going back and forth about whether to buy the brussel sprouts or asparagus. I came home with asparagus and am hoping to find time to paint it before I eat it.:)

  4. You really like to tackle the difficult ones! And master them! I found that I actually like brussel sprouts roasted in the oven with olive oil. They used to be the only food that I didn't like.

  5. We have them tomorrow for dinner! Well, the duch ones :) Over here we call them "spruitjes". Please try to say it :)
    I love your painting Azra, very original! Beautifully painted! Have a very nice weekend:)


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