Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Golden Dreams

The essence of creating a painting for me is a golden dream. We all have hopes and dreams and I wish everyone the best of luck in achieving them.
Golden Dreams
Oil on canvas board 6"x6"


  1. And I wish you luck in achieving them Azra, you certainly are deserving! Love the sunflowers, you gave them a nice warm glow and it's gorgeous!

  2. Azra, this is my new favorite of yours! Seriously, they just get better and better. The composition, the juicy, expressive brushstrokes and the light you've captured are all wonderful!

  3. You really know how to give movement to your flowers, another wonderful work !

  4. Lovely painting Azra. The yellows just sing.

  5. I enjoyed the details on the header, the yellow shines! Little golden dreams will lead to bigger ones :-)


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