Sunday, 28 February 2016

Happy Things V ( A better photo)

My routine at the moment seems to be work, housework,  and then painting. This means that its usually late by the time I start painting and so too late to take a proper photo, so here is a better photo for yesterday and as its Sunday, a beautiful sunny Sunday, I can paint all day. I wish everyone a peaceful, happy Sunday whatever you're doing, and thank you so much for all your recent comments, I love you for it. xxx
Happy Things V
oil on oil paper
8" x 10"


  1. Where do I start?! The accuracy shown here in all the details - the gold rim, all the ellipses, the Colorado of the China, the shadows, the flower... Pure genius!

  2. I like the gold rim and the areas where the light hits it.

  3. This is just lovely Azra! Love the colours in the cup and saucer and that chrysanthemum is gorgeous ...the petals just dance.

  4. Really like how you painted the movements of the petals ,a lovely composition with beautiful and 'quiet colors ' .


Thankyou so much for taking the time to comment, its always a pleasure receiving each and every one.