Wednesday 12 January 2011

Chilli Eggplants

Sometimes its hard to get past a painting.I hate to abandon one thats not working ,but can't start another one until I finish the one I'm struggling with.!!? Does that make sense?Maybe its a bit late in the day. Finally I had to change the background,although I think it worked out in the end.Phew...I found these really cute very small eggplants at my local grocers and could'nt resist painting them.Roasted eggplants with garlic and chillies...delicious!


  1. Hi Azra,I am here for the first time and I loved your blog and your paintings are lovely.
    I have the same problem as yours.My mind sticks to the painting that doesn't work well for me and that restricts me from starting a new one.

  2. Hi Yasha,thankyou so much for your compliments.Just as I was reading about you having the same problem,I remembered that an artist friend had told me quite a while ago that he has about four paintingson the go at the same time.If we get stuck with one painting we can go on to another.Let me know if this works for you.I myself will be trying this method.:)


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