Friday 7 March 2014

Plum Trio

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. –Confucius

This quote sums up how I feel at the moment....determined to keep going.

Plum Trio
Oil on canvas board 4"x4"


  1. Beautiful plums, Azra! You really captured their transparent quality. They look quite tasty, too! Well done!

  2. Thank you for this post, they look so lovely together! I needed this quote today, well I need to wake up now and push myself!

  3. You should DEFINATELY keep going. This painting is so lovely!

  4. Gorgeous plums, Azra. Yes, you should absolutely "keep going"… don't stop painting!

  5. Beautiful strokes and wonderful glow on the skin....always keep going, it's the only way.


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