Sunday 16 January 2011

Leafy Clem

This is another two hour challenge I set myself.I find that if I take longer I just end up making more mistakes.Ever heard of Edgar Degas?Whe he first started his paintings he kept going back to redo them even after selling them! He painted the most beautiful ballet scenes,he is one of my favourite artists.
After every painting I feel I could do better,but I suppose thats part of being human,always striving for that perfect painting.Ahh well......


  1. Absolutely great.You definitely did a wonderful job in just two hours.The shine on leaves is gorgeous.You even managed to paint details on the fabric too.This is amazing.
    I agree with you that at times we overdo things which ruins the freshness of the work.

  2. Do you know Yasha,you really are an angel sent from heaven to encourage me when I needed you the most.Thankyou : )xx


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